Intertwingly updates
Over the past few days, the comments box has gotten bigger, the ability to remember your personal information has been added (presuming you have javascript and cookies enabled), comments got the ability to have hypertext links (this change was made retroactive), the archives got a dynamic index, shorter URLs were introduced for common tasks (e.g., Comments in html format, Comments in rss 0.92 format, Comments in rss 2.0 format), amoung other things.
My transition to is intentionally being done in a careful and considered manner. The old content doesn't suddently stop getting updated with everybody expected to update their bookmarks, blogrolls, and subscriptions all at once, instead both are kept in synch. Yesterday, I even added a static link from each radio weblog item to the dynamic intertwingly comments page for that item.
Just so it is clear to all, none of this is a meant as a slight or repudiation of Radio. In fact, I've recently recruited three new radio users. I am just a hacker who likes to pull things apart and put them back together. It appears that I have talked a person of a similar inclination to try blosxom. Each represents one more RSS feed to follow. Yummy.