
It’s just data

Power's back

Joe Gregorio: Welcome to the weather of North Carolina. When it comes to the weather here it's not the average that will get you, it's the standard deviation.  The power went out here just before dinner was ready.  Just came back now... just as we were all preparing to go to sleep again in the family room around the fireplace. 

The radio is calling this Fran on ice.  To me, there is no comparison... with Fran we lost 7 trees, including two rather big ones... the first time I ever used a chainsaw it was on a tree that was nearly twice the blade width in diameter.  When the ground shook when the tree landed and the stump snapped back upright I realized how dumb I was to attempt such a thing... despite the fact that everything went exactly as it was supposed to.

With this storm, the roads are dry and passable during the day.  And I only lost two relatively small trees.