
It’s just data

Validate your RSS with SOAP

It's alpha, it's got bugs in it, but if you feel so inclined, give it a spin.

If you followed either the SOAP by Example or the BDG to WSDL part III, then RSSValidator.wsdl is all you need to get started.

Why a SOAP interface?  Suppose you have a site that is not published on the internet.  Or suppose you want to test your feed before you deploy it.  Of course, you can run it locally, but even though we made it real easy, not everyone wants to install and maintain another program.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could simply send your RSS feed off some place and have the results sent back?

Well now you can.  Simply POST your feed to the RSS Validator.  Since this code is liberal in what it accepts, neither a SOAP Envelope nor a SOAP Body is required.  Since it is conservative in what it does, you will always receive either a fully compliant SOAP response or a SOAP fault back.

Either that, or there a bug.  If so, let me know.  Once the bug smashing dies down, I'll write up information on how the client and server of this interface works as parts II and III of SOAP by Example.