
It’s just data

Critical thinking

I wake up this morning to find this story at the top of both DayPop and Blogdex.  My first reaction is apparently not like most.  It seems that many people today feel that "the story is on the internet so it must be true".  However, my mind doesn't work that way. 

What I see is an article which is well written, including a number of elements which tend to pander.  Perhaps it is 100% accurate.  Perhaps it contains a bit of hyperbole.  Then I see a donate button at the bottom.  Perhaps this is a new-found appreciation for implications of the new security policies, in which case I would give the article a bit more credibility.  So I click on the Back to Home Page to see what I find there.


OK, this article definitely gets filed into the unsubstantiated pile.  No particular reason to believe it is false.  No particular reason to believe it is true.  Just in a limbo state.

Update: it looks like DarkZero also has some interesting questions.