
It’s just data

Some Obligation Required

Ken Coar: So why aren't there any links or adverts?  I can't speak for others.  Would I be offended by tasteful adverts on other pages?  Heck no. Would I consider putting such a link on my page?  Not yet.

I've had people offer to "exchange links".  I've had people offer to send me stuff if I would mention it on my weblog.  I've even had people send me stuff "with no obligation".

Quite frankly, I have enough obligations.  Wife.  Kids.  Work.  Associations of various sorts.

Now look at the simple blogroll.  Mine is generated automatically.  It isn't even particularly representative - if people post too often, I take them out and visit their site directly.  If they don't post at all, they stay on.  Others, I visit frequently anyway and it doesn't occur to me to add them

Now, what happens when you remove someone from your blogroll? [links compliments of BbAlways give attribution].  I've had a similar experience when I was overloaded at work and removed a bunch of people from my blogroll and somebody got their feelings hurt.

Now, would I willingly incur such an obligation in exchange for a few bucks?  Perhaps if it was enough bucks to retire on.  Otherwise, I have enough people who don't pay me a dime telling me what I have to do.

No thanks.