Best of Show
Now that my weblog is back on it's feet, it's time to capture a few thoughts on the last week's excellent ETCON. Best of show clearly goes to Alan Kay's "Daddy are we there yet" presentation, though it equally well could have been titled "it must suck to be fourty years ahead of your time".
Social Software has emerged as a meme. It has the same feel as P2P did a few years back - we see a few disparate applications emerging, therefore we struggle to find the common thread. The killer app for both P2P and Social Software is the same in both cases: IM.
A piece of software I will definitely look into more is Chandler. Despite being billed as a PIM, what intrigues me most is the group interaction aspects. This products does not appear to strive to be strictly innovative, instead to be mainstream. It's implementation is based on a what increasingly is becoming the mainstream OO dynamic scripting language (Python) and the mainstream open and extensible instant messaging platform (Jabber).