
It’s just data

A slice of foo

Foo Camp Yogi Bera: You can observe a lot by watching.

Tim Bray: Foo Camp Notes captures a bit of the diversity that is present at Foo Camp.  What follows below is an attempt to impose coherence on a slice of this diversity.

Raising this up several meta-levels: a couple hundred people descended on FOO simply for the opportunity to collaborate and share.  Most of the people present I didn't know two years ago (before I started blogging).  Most of them didn't know me then either.

Now we know each other and collaborate via shared published content.  Increasingly, this will be visual.  People will be able to effortlessly capture what they see and share it with friends and family.  The recipients can time shift this content as they see fit.

The limits are no longer technological.  Many of the products cited above had built in limitations that are intended to either benefit the producer of the product or the producer of content for the product.  This will ultimately be self defeating.  People that produce interesting content and share it liberally will enjoy a wider audience than those that only do one or the other.

William Gibson: The future is here. It's just not widely distributed yet.  This is one of Tim O'Reilly's favorite quotes.  Never was the point more forcefully driven home to me than here at FOO.