apt-get upgrade
As my server runs RedHat 7.3, it seemed time for an upgrade. But before I did, I thought I'd explore Debian - on a test machine.
Installation was fairly simple. I inserted a CD and about half way through the installation it converted into a network install - complete with security fixes. I chose a minimal install, and the result seemed pretty snappy - even though that machine is by current standards an underpowered Pentium Pro with 64Mb of RAM.
I then used apt-get to install a few packages (sudo, wget). Again, painless.
Now there is a new version. I ran apt-get upgrade, and within minutes I was running the latest without any down time or needing to reboot.
Apparently, Debian isn't known for being bleeding edge, but if you want a server that just works and is easy to maintain, it looks pretty good to me.