
It’s just data

Unicode and weblogs

Hossein Derakhshan: We should promote Unicode standard among English speaking programmers. Many tools do not work well with Unicode and this sucks.

I'm doing my part.  It took only a few lines of code for me to convert my weblog over to utf-8 (plus changing the content type in a few templates and a configuration file... bah).  Jacques Distler updated MTStripControlChars.

Character sets seem to be a classic leaky abstraction.  Java has excellent Unicode support on the inside, but you still need to worry about the last mile problem.  David Czarnecki has his blojsom weblog working but apparently had to tweak is feed.  Similar story for Simon Brown, but java.blogs garbles the post in translation.  It took a few lines of change to get roller working, and it looks like a few more lines will be required.

How do some of the .Net and PHP based weblogs fare?

Ecto works.  All clients should be tested.  Spread the meme.