
It’s just data

Python, Parrot, and Lexical Scopes

I've been trying to make sense of Python's scoping in the context of Parrot.  Whereas Dan saw two types of variables, I see three: builtin, module, and lexical.  Consider the following

 from scope2 import *
 print f(), foo
 foo = 1
 print f(), foo


 foo = 2
 def f(): return foo

The expected output is:

 2 2
 2 1

I find in discussions such as these , the hardest part is finding a common vocabulary.  So instead of trying to express this in prose, I'll express it in Perl terms:

 our $__name__ = "main";
   package scope2;
   our $__name__ = "scope2";
   our $foo = 2;
   our $f = sub { $foo };
 *foo = \$scope2::foo;
 *f = \$scope2::f;
 print &$f(), " $foo\n";
 *foo = \1;
 print &$f(), " $foo\n";

What does this mean?

I am going to post this to the perl6 internals list for discussion.