HOWTO Embed MathML and SVG into HTML4
This is a proof of concept. I’ve gotten it to work on Firefox, and believe similar techniques would work on Opera and nightlies of WebKit. It does not add MathML or SVG support to browsers that don’t already have it, it merely enables browsers which already recognize these grammars in XHTML5 to render similar structures when found in HTML4 documents.
- Copy the script to your web server. If you hotlink, you will be banned.
- Insert a call to this script in your HTML4 page. Example:
<script src="mathmlAndSvgForHTML4.js"></script>
- Ensure that the empty tag syntax of XML is not used; replace all such occurrences with a pair of start and end tags
- Ensure that all MathML character entity references are replaced with their equivalent numeric character references or the Unicode character itself.
- Ensure that none of the other, less common, XML syntax differences are present in your page.