gtk StatusIcon
From time to time, I have found a need for limited communication with an otherwise background process. A tray icon serves this purpose well. Instead of dynamically generated SVG, you certainly can use Cairo or static files. Tooltips, blinking, callbacks, and menus are also possibilities.
# enable cron import os if not 'DISPLAY' in os.environ: os.environ['DISPLAY']=':0.0' if not 'HOME' in os.environ: os.environ['HOME']=os.path.expanduser('~'+os.getlogin()) import gtk icon = gtk.StatusIcon() def set_image(color): import rsvg image = """ <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <path d="M42,95L50,30L58,95Z" fill="%s" stroke="none"/> <path d="M39,20a15,15 0,0,0 0,20 M28,10a30,30 0,0,0 0,40 M61,20a15,15 0,0,1 0,20 M72,10a30,30 0,0,1 0,40" stroke="%s" fill="none" stroke-width="5" stroke-linecap="round"/> </svg> """ handle=rsvg.Handle() handle.write(image % (color,color)) handle.close() try: gtk.gdk.threads_enter() icon.set_from_pixbuf(handle.get_pixbuf()) finally: gtk.gdk.threads_leave() # spin GTK off in a background thread import threading gtk.gdk.threads_init() class gtkmain(threading.Thread): def run(self): gtk.main() gtkmain().start() # user logic import time set_image('red') time.sleep(3) set_image('yellow') time.sleep(3) set_image('green') time.sleep(3) gtk.main_quit()