
It’s just data

Planet Pruning

Phil Wilson: Since I am too lazy to manage my own subscriptions, I was subscribed to Planet Intertwingly. At 269 feeds though, the signal/noise ratio has taken a bad hit (what do you mean Sam doesn’t tailor his blogroll for me personally?) and I’m going to have to actually import the OPML and weed out stuff I’m not interested in. How annoying.

The issue isn’t the number of feeds, but the number of entries.  And some of the people I subscribe to talk a lot, so it is time to prune.  To help with this task, I wrote a little script.

So, fair warning.  If you are subscribed to Planet Intertwingly and would like to keep seeing entries from some of the big names you see on this page, you might want to subscribe to those feeds separately.  Unless, of course, you are using Google Reader, in which case perhaps you shouldn’t be.