
It’s just data

New Kindle Owner

Bought a kindle.  Now that the book I have been working on is now available in .mobi format, it seemed like the thing to do.

Based on Steve Yegge’s recommendation, I downloaded Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions.  I think my review parallels Steve’s: the book raises a number of interesting questions, presents some novel research, and (somewhat unfortunately), the author feels compelled to provide (often overly simplistic) answers to a number of the questions he’s raised.  In all, that’s only a small portion of the book, and doesn’t detract significantly from the rest of the material.  Overall, I would agree that it is a good book.

I’ve been skeptical about eBooks, but I must say that the Kindle pulls it off — I found that I quickly forgot that I was not dealing with a “real” book, and the pages quickly flew by.