
It’s just data

SvgWeb Deployed

Brad Neuberg: Hi Sam, now is a fine time to begin deploying to your site. That would be a great way to help catch issues and begin raising the profile of things.

If things go well, MSIE users may see svg icons on my front page (only!) for the first time, rendered via flash.  This is all very much pre-beta... not only is svgweb not yet released, I am not exactly using it as it was designed to be used <grin>.  In particular, I’m sending the same payload (but not the same Content-Type) to all browsers, and that payload is valid HTML5 and valid XHTML5 (depending on the MIME type) with embedded SVG.

Not all of the icons render, and apparently a simple refresh of the page is enough to cause things to fall over, but if the goal is to catch issues and raise the profile, I’m hoping to do exactly that.