
It’s just data

CI Zero


Yehuda Katz: Inbox Zero is important for the same reason that CI Zero is important.

It has been a struggle to keep Rails 3.0 to a CI Zero, but once again we are on track (meaning no red in the table of contents).  Rails 2.3.4 also passes.

A struggle, but a totally worthwhile one.  These instructions continue to work for 2.3.4.  Two changes additional changes are required to run with Rails 3.0.  In step A1 of Depot, scaffolding is generated for the product.  In step A2, an additional field is added to the scaffolding.  In Rails 3.0, this will look entirely different:

<h1>New product</h1>

<%= render 'form' %>

<%=link_to 'Back', products_path %>

Now, the reason Rails is making this change is totally justified... this code is factored out from two separate templates.  And in fact, step A2 currently has the reader update both.  But the point is that to somebody who is new to Rails (and possibly even new to Ruby), is going to be surprised by this change and will likely wonder what they did wrong.  And this means that at this point in the scenario, some mention of partials will have to be made.  All good, all doable, but a change in the book.

The second change, is the API that new templating systems used changed from render to compile.  This clearly is an advanced topic, and one that I’m not sure should remain in the book — perhaps it should only live online?