
It’s just data

Foil Covered FROG

Phase two of our whole house upgrade has begun.

Yesterday, a Minneapolis Blower Door was used to depressurize our house, in order to detect leaks.  Overall, the house fared fairly well, with most (as in >65%) of the leakage coming from the third floor.  I was also able to feel the airflow coming out of the plumbing access door for the master bath.  The bath itself is outset into a bay window with only insulation separating it from the unconditioned air in the attic.

Today started the installation of the aluminum foil energy barricade, starting with the area over the FROG [picture].   I’ve not taken any formal measurements, but on a day like today (92°F) that area generally would be considered unbearable.  I wouldn’t say that it was exactly comfortable, but it was bearable — roughly equivalent to sitting in the shade on a 100°F with no breeze.  By contrast, the foil itself is definitely hot.  This barrier alone has to make a difference.