Please Pardon the Mess
I've migrated my site to 11ty, a static site generator. I've undoubtedly broken many things in the process.
Known to be broken:
- I don't know if other people used it, but I used it frequently.
- I plan to look into ElasticLunr which will enable client side (offline) searches.
- While I'm interested in other people's comments, I'm no longer interested in hosting them.
- Over time, I'm planning on exploring twitter as an alternative. Outline:
- Post a tweet whenever a new blog entry is posted
- Add a link to that tweet to the blog entry itself
- Add a webhook that gets called whenever there is a reply, like, or retweet, and annotates the blog entry link to the tweet with counts.
My experiences with 11ty have been mostly positive. It is fast! And as a tool, it captures and embodies the "It's just data" philosophy well. My one area of unease is the lack of incremental builds - the only option is to rebuild the entire site, and doing so updates every output file.
And, did I mention it is fast? A combination of speed and the --checksum
option of rsync nearly makes the lack of incremental build support a non-issue.