The Depot Application

The Depot Application

13 Task I: Internationalization 12.1 Generating the XML Feed

13 Task I: Internationalization

get /store/empty_cart
You are being redirected.
get http://localhost:3000/store

Your Pragmatic Catalog


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.


Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.


Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

edit config/initializers/i18n.rb
#encoding: utf-8
I18n.default_locale = 'en'
LOCALES_DIRECTORY = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/locales/"
  'English' => 'en',
  "Espa\xc3\xb1ol" => 'es'

Restart the server.

edit app/views/layouts/store.html.erb
    <% form_tag '', :method => 'GET', :class => 'locale' do %>
      <%= select_tag 'locale', options_for_select(LANGUAGES, I18n.locale),
        :onchange => 'this.form.submit()' %>
      <%= submit_tag 'submit' %>
      <%= javascript_tag "$$('.locale input').each(Element.hide)" %>
    <% end %>
get /store?locale=en

Your Pragmatic Catalog


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.


Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.


Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

edit app/controllers/application_controller.rb
# Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the application.
# Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  layout "store"
  before_filter :authorize, :except => :login
  before_filter :set_locale
  helper :all # include all helpers, all the time
  protect_from_forgery # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details
  # Scrub sensitive parameters from your log
  # filter_parameter_logging :password
  def authorize
    unless User.find_by_id(session[:user_id])
      flash[:notice] = "Please log in"
      redirect_to :controller => 'admin', :action => 'login'
  def set_locale
    session[:locale] = params[:locale] if params[:locale]
    I18n.locale = session[:locale] || I18n.default_locale
    locale_path = "#{LOCALES_DIRECTORY}#{I18n.locale}.yml"
    unless I18n.load_path.include? locale_path
      I18n.load_path << locale_path
  rescue Exception => err
    logger.error err[:notice] = "#{I18n.locale} translation not available"
    I18n.load_path -= [locale_path]
    I18n.locale = session[:locale] = I18n.default_locale
edit public/stylesheets/depot.css
.locale {
        padding-top: 0.2em

Restart the server.

get /store?locale=es
es translation not available

Your Pragmatic Catalog


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.


Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.


Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

edit app/views/layouts/store.html.erb
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
  <title>Pragprog Books Online Store</title>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag "depot", :media => "all" %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
<body id="store">
  <div id="banner">
    <% form_tag '', :method => 'GET', :class => 'locale' do %>
      <%= select_tag 'locale', options_for_select(LANGUAGES, I18n.locale),
        :onchange => 'this.form.submit()' %>
      <%= submit_tag 'submit' %>
      <%= javascript_tag "$$('.locale input').each(Element.hide)" %>
    <% end %>
    <%= image_tag("logo.png") %>
    <%= @page_title || I18n.t('layout.title') %>
  <div id="columns">
    <div id="side">
      <% if @cart %>
        <% hidden_div_if(@cart.items.empty?, :id => "cart") do %>
          <%= render(:partial => "cart", :object => @cart) %>
        <% end %>
      <% end %>
      <a href="http://www...."><%= I18n.t 'layout.side.home' %></a><br />
      <a href="http://www..../faq"><%= I18n.t 'layout.side.questions' %></a><br />
      <a href="http://www..../news"><%= I18n.t '' %></a><br />
      <a href="http://www..../contact"><%= I18n.t '' %></a><br />
      <% if session[:user_id] %>
        <br />
        <%= link_to 'Orders',   :controller => 'orders' %><br />
        <%= link_to 'Products', :controller => 'products' %><br />
        <%= link_to 'Users',    :controller => 'users'    %><br />
        <br />
        <%= link_to 'Logout', :controller => 'admin', :action => 'logout' %>
      <% end %>
    <div id="main">
      <% if flash[:notice] -%>
        <div id="notice"><%= flash[:notice] %></div>
      <% end -%>
      <%= yield :layout %>
edit config/locales/en.yml
        unit: "$"
        precision: 2
        separator: "."
        delimiter: ","
        format: "%u%n"
    title:       "Pragmatic Bookshelf"
      home:      "Home"
      questions: "Questions"
      news:      "News"
      contact:   "Contact"
      title:      "Your Cart"
        empty:    "Empty cart"
        checkout: "Checkout"
    title:       "Your Pragmatic Catalog"
      add:       "Add to Cart"
    legend:      "Please Enter your Details"
    name:        "Name"
    address:     "Address"
    email:       "E-mail"
    pay_type:    "Pay with"
    pay_prompt:  "Select a payment method"
    submit:      "Place Order"
    thanks:      "Thank you for your order"
edit config/locales/es.yml
        unit: "$US"
        precision: 2
        separator: ","
        delimiter: "."
        format: "%n&nbsp;%u"
      order: "pedido"
        address: "Direcci&oacute;n"
        name: "Nombre"
        email: "E-mail"
        pay_type: "Forma de pago"
        inclusion: "no est&aacute; incluido en la lista"
        blank:     "no puede quedar en blanco"
        body: "Hay problemas con los siguientes campos:"
          one:   "1 error ha impedido que este {{model}} se guarde"
          other: "{{count}} errores han impedido que este {{model}} se guarde"
    title:       "Publicaciones de Pragmatic"
      home:      "Inicio"
      questions: "Preguntas"
      news:      "Noticias"
      contact:   "Contacto"
      title:      "Carrito de la Compra"
        empty:    "Vaciar Carrito"
        checkout: "Comprar"
    title:       "Su Cat&aacute;logo de Pragmatic"
      add:       "A&ntilde;adir al Carrito"
    legend:      "Por favor, introduzca sus datos"
    name:        "Nombre"
    address:     "Direcci&oacute;n"
    email:       "E-mail"
    pay_type:    "Pagar con"
    pay_prompt:  "Seleccione un m\xC3\xA9todo de pago"
    submit:      "Realizar Pedido"
    thanks:      "Gracias por su pedido"
get /store?locale=es

Your Pragmatic Catalog


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.

29,95 $US

Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.

27,75 $US

Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

28,50 $US
edit app/views/store/index.html.erb
<h1><%= I18n.t 'main.title' %></h1>
<% @products.each do |product| -%>
  <div class="entry">
    <%= image_tag(product.image_url) %>
    <h3><%=h product.title %></h3>
    <%= product.description %>
    <div class="price-line">
    <span class="price"><%= number_to_currency(product.price) %></span>
    <% form_remote_tag :url=>{:action=>'add_to_cart', :id=>product} do %>
      <%= submit_tag I18n.t('main.button.add') %>
    <% end %>
<% end %>
get /store?locale=es

Su Catálogo de Pragmatic


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.

29,95 $US

Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.

27,75 $US

Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

28,50 $US
edit app/views/store/_cart.html.erb
<div class="cart-title"><%= I18n.t 'layout.cart.title' %></div>
  <%= render(:partial => "cart_item", :collection => cart.items) %>  
  <tr class="total-line">
    <td colspan="2">Total</td>
    <td class="total-cell"><%= number_to_currency(cart.total_price) %></td>
<%= button_to I18n.t('layout.cart.button.checkout'), :action => 'checkout' %>
<%= button_to I18n.t('layout.cart.button.empty'), :action => :empty_cart %>
get /store/add_to_cart/2
You are being redirected.
get http://localhost:3000/store
Carrito de la Compra
Pragmatic Project Automation 29,95 $US
Total 29,95 $US



Su Catálogo de Pragmatic


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.

29,95 $US

Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.

27,75 $US

Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

28,50 $US
edit app/views/store/checkout.html.erb
<div class="depot-form">
  <%= error_messages_for 'order' %>
  <% form_for :order, :url => { :action => :save_order } do |form| %>
      <legend><%= I18n.t 'checkout.legend' %></legend>
        <%= form.label :name, I18n.t('') + ":" %>
        <%= form.text_field :name, :size => 40 %>
        <%= form.label :address, I18n.t('checkout.address') + ":" %>
        <%= form.text_area :address, :rows => 3, :cols => 40 %>
        <%= form.label :email, I18n.t('') + ":" %>
        <%= form.text_field :email, :size => 40 %>
        <%= form.label :pay_type, I18n.t('checkout.pay_type') + ":" %>
                      :prompt => I18n.t('checkout.pay_prompt')
      <%= submit_tag I18n.t('checkout.submit'), :class => "submit" %>
  <% end %>  
edit app/controllers/store_controller.rb
class StoreController < ApplicationController
      before_filter :find_cart, :except => :empty_cart
  def index
    @products = Product.find_products_for_sale
  def add_to_cart
    product = Product.find(params[:id])
    @current_item = @cart.add_product(product)
    respond_to do |format|
      format.js if request.xhr?
      format.html {redirect_to_index}
  rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
    logger.error("Attempt to access invalid product #{params[:id]}")
    redirect_to_index("Invalid product")
  def checkout
    if @cart.items.empty?
      redirect_to_index("Your cart is empty")
      @order =
  def save_order
    @order =[:order])
      session[:cart] = nil
      render :action => 'checkout'
  def empty_cart
    session[:cart] = nil
  def redirect_to_index(msg = nil)
    flash[:notice] = msg if msg
    redirect_to :action => 'index'
      def find_cart
        @cart = (session[:cart] ||=
  def authorize
get /store?locale=es
Carrito de la Compra
Pragmatic Project Automation 29,95 $US
Total 29,95 $US



Su Catálogo de Pragmatic


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.

29,95 $US

Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.

27,75 $US

Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

28,50 $US
get /store/add_to_cart/2
You are being redirected.
get http://localhost:3000/store
Carrito de la Compra
Pragmatic Project Automation 59,90 $US
Total 59,90 $US



Su Catálogo de Pragmatic


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.

29,95 $US

Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.

27,75 $US

Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

28,50 $US
get /store/checkout
Carrito de la Compra
Pragmatic Project Automation 59,90 $US
Total 59,90 $US


Por favor, introduzca sus datos
get /store/save_order
Carrito de la Compra
Pragmatic Project Automation 59,90 $US
Total 59,90 $US



5 errores han impedido que este pedido se guarde

Hay problemas con los siguientes campos:

  • Nombre no puede quedar en blanco
  • Direcci&oacute;n no puede quedar en blanco
  • E-mail no puede quedar en blanco
  • Forma de pago no puede quedar en blanco
  • Forma de pago no est&aacute; incluido en la lista
Por favor, introduzca sus datos
get /store/save_order
Carrito de la Compra
Pragmatic Project Automation 59,90 $US
Total 59,90 $US



5 errores han impedido que este pedido se guarde

Hay problemas con los siguientes campos:

  • Nombre no puede quedar en blanco
  • Direcci&oacute;n no puede quedar en blanco
  • E-mail no puede quedar en blanco
  • Forma de pago no puede quedar en blanco
  • Forma de pago no est&aacute; incluido en la lista
Por favor, introduzca sus datos
post /store/save_order
You are being redirected.
get http://localhost:3000/store


Gracias por su pedido

Su Catálogo de Pragmatic


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.

29,95 $US

Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.

27,75 $US

Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.

28,50 $US
get /store?locale=en

Your Pragmatic Catalog


Pragmatic Project Automation

Pragmatic Project Automation shows you how to improve the consistency and repeatability of your project's procedures using automation to reduce risk and errors.

Simply put, we're going to put this thing called a computer to work for you doing the mundane (but important) project stuff. That means you'll have more time and energy to do the really exciting---and difficult---stuff, like writing quality code.


Pragmatic Unit Testing (C#)

Pragmatic programmers use feedback to drive their development and personal processes. The most valuable feedback you can get while coding comes from unit testing.

Without good tests in place, coding can become a frustrating game of "whack-a-mole." That's the carnival game where the player strikes at a mechanical mole; it retreats and another mole pops up on the opposite side of the field. The moles pop up and down so fast that you end up flailing your mallet helplessly as the moles continue to pop up where you least expect them.


Pragmatic Version Control

This book is a recipe-based approach to using Subversion that will get you up and running quickly---and correctly. All projects need version control: it's a foundational piece of any project's infrastructure. Yet half of all project teams in the U.S. don't use any version control at all. Many others don't use it well, and end up experiencing time-consuming problems.


13 Task I: Internationalization 12.1 Generating the XML Feed