Agile Web Development with Rails, Edition 4

Agile Web Development with Rails, Edition 4

12.2 Iteration G2: Atom Feeds 11.6 Iteration F6: Testing AJAX changes

12.1 Iteration G1: Capturing an Order

Create a model to contain orders

rails generate scaffold Order name:string address:text email:string pay_type:string
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20111018164200_create_orders.rb
      create    app/models/order.rb
      invoke    test_unit
      create      test/unit/order_test.rb
      create      test/fixtures/orders.yml
       route  resources :orders
      invoke  scaffold_controller
      create    app/controllers/orders_controller.rb
      invoke    erb
      create      app/views/orders
      create      app/views/orders/index.html.erb
      create      app/views/orders/edit.html.erb
      create      app/views/orders/show.html.erb
      create      app/views/orders/new.html.erb
      create      app/views/orders/_form.html.erb
      invoke    test_unit
      create      test/functional/orders_controller_test.rb
      invoke    helper
      create      app/helpers/orders_helper.rb
      invoke      test_unit
      create        test/unit/helpers/orders_helper_test.rb
      invoke  stylesheets
   identical    public/stylesheets/scaffold.css

Create a migration to add an order_id column to line_items

rails generate migration add_order_id_to_line_item order_id:integer
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20111018164203_add_order_id_to_line_item.rb

Apply both migrations

rake db:migrate
mv 20111018164200_create_orders.rb 20110711000007_create_orders.rb
mv 20111018164203_add_order_id_to_line_item.rb 20110711000008_add_order_id_to_line_item.rb
==  CreateOrders: migrating ===================================================
-- create_table(:orders)
   -> 0.0020s
==  CreateOrders: migrated (0.0021s) ==========================================
==  AddOrderIdToLineItem: migrating ===========================================
-- add_column(:line_items, :order_id, :integer)
   -> 0.0017s
==  AddOrderIdToLineItem: migrated (0.0018s) ==================================

Add a Checkout button to the cart

edit app/views/carts/_cart.html.erb
<div class="cart_title">Your Cart</div>
  <%= render(cart.line_items) %>
  <tr class="total_line">
    <td colspan="2">Total</td>
    <td class="total_cell"><%= number_to_currency(cart.total_price) %></td>
<%= button_to "Checkout", new_order_path, method: :get %>
<%= button_to 'Empty cart', cart, method: :delete,
    confirm: 'Are you sure?' %>

Return a notice when checking out an empty cart

edit app/controllers/orders_controller.rb
  def new
    @cart = current_cart
    if @cart.line_items.empty?
      redirect_to store_url, notice: "Your cart is empty"
    @order =
    respond_to do |format|
      format.html # new.html.erb
      format.xml  { render xml: @order }

Modify tests to ensure that there is an item in the cart

edit test/functional/orders_controller_test.rb
  test "requires item in cart" do
    get :new
    assert_redirected_to store_path
    assert_equal flash[:notice], 'Your cart is empty'
  test "should get new" do
    cart = Cart.create
    session[:cart_id] =
    LineItem.create(cart: cart, product: products(:ruby))
    get :new
    assert_response :success

Modify the template for new orders

edit app/views/orders/new.html.erb
<div class="depot_form">
    <legend>Please Enter Your Details</legend>
    <%= render 'form' %>

Modify the partial used by the template

edit app/views/orders/_form.html.erb
<%= form_for(@order) do |f| %>
  <% if @order.errors.any? %>
    <div id="error_explanation">
      <h2><%= pluralize(@order.errors.count, "error") %>
      prohibited this order from being saved:</h2>
      <% @order.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
        <li><%= msg %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :name %><br />
    <%= f.text_field :name, size: 40 %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :address %><br />
    <%= f.text_area :address, rows: 3, cols: 40 %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :email %><br />
    <%= f.email_field :email, size: 40 %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :pay_type %><br />
    <%= :pay_type, Order::PAYMENT_TYPES,
                  prompt: 'Select a payment method' %>
  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit 'Place Order' %>
<% end %>

Add payment types to the order

edit app/models/order.rb
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  PAYMENT_TYPES = [ "Check", "Credit card", "Purchase order" ]

Add some CSS

edit public/stylesheets/depot.css
/* Styles for order form */
.depot_form fieldset {
  background: #efe;
.depot_form legend {
  color: #dfd;
  background: #141;
  font-family: sans-serif;
  padding: 0.2em 1em;
.depot_form label {
  width: 5em;
  float: left;
  text-align: right;
  padding-top: 0.2em;
  margin-right: 0.1em;
  display: block;
.depot_form select, .depot_form textarea, .depot_form input {
  margin-left: 0.5em;
.depot_form .submit {
  margin-left: 4em;
.depot_form div {
  margin: 0.5em 0;

Validate name and pay_type

edit app/models/order.rb
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...
  validates :name, :address, :email, presence: true
  validates :pay_type, inclusion: PAYMENT_TYPES

Update the test data in the orders fixture

edit test/fixtures/orders.yml
# Read about fixtures at
  name: Dave Thomas
  address: MyText
  pay_type: Check
  name: MyString
  address: MyText
  email: MyString
  pay_type: MyString

Move a line item from a cart to an order

edit test/fixtures/line_items.yml
# Read about fixtures at
  product: ruby
  order: one
  product: ruby
  cart: one

Define a relationship from the line item to the order

edit app/models/line_item.rb
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :order
  belongs_to :product
  belongs_to :cart
  def total_price
    product.price * quantity

Define a relationship from the order to the line item

edit app/models/order.rb
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :line_items, dependent: :destroy
  # ...

Add line item to order, destroy cart, and redisplay catalog page

edit app/controllers/orders_controller.rb
  def create
    @order =[:order])
    respond_to do |format|
        session[:cart_id] = nil
        format.html { redirect_to(store_url, notice: 
          'Thank you for your order.') }
        format.xml  { render xml: @order, status: :created,
          location: @order }
        @cart = current_cart
        format.html { render action: "new" }
        format.xml  { render xml: @order.errors,
          status: :unprocessable_entity }

Implement add_line_items_from_cart

edit app/models/order.rb
class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
  # ...
  def add_line_items_from_cart(cart)
    cart.line_items.each do |item|
      item.cart_id = nil
      line_items << item

Modify the test to reflect the new redirect

edit test/functional/orders_controller_test.rb
  test "should create order" do
    assert_difference('Order.count') do
      post :create, :order => @order.attributes
    assert_redirected_to store_path

take a look at the validation errors

get /orders/new
Your Cart
CoffeeScript $36.00
Total $36.00
Please Enter Your Details

post /orders
Your Cart
CoffeeScript $36.00
Total $36.00
Please Enter Your Details

4 errors prohibited this order from being saved:

  • Name can't be blank
  • Address can't be blank
  • Email can't be blank
  • Pay type is not included in the list

process an order

get /orders/new
Your Cart
CoffeeScript $36.00
Total $36.00
Please Enter Your Details

post /orders
You are being redirected.
get http://localhost:3000/

Thank you for your order.

Your Pragmatic Catalog



CoffeeScript is JavaScript done right. It provides all of JavaScript's functionality wrapped in a cleaner, more succinct syntax. In the first book on this exciting new language, CoffeeScript guru Trevor Burnham shows you how to hold onto all the power and flexibility of JavaScript while writing clearer, cleaner, and safer code.


Programming Ruby 1.9

Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.


Rails Test Prescriptions

Rails Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to testing Rails applications, covering Test-Driven Development from both a theoretical perspective (why to test) and from a practical perspective (how to test effectively). It covers the core Rails testing tools and procedures for Rails 2 and Rails 3, and introduces popular add-ons, including Cucumber, Shoulda, Machinist, Mocha, and Rcov.


look at the underlying database

sqlite3> select * from orders
        id = 1
      name = Dave Thomas
   address = 123 Main St
     email =
  pay_type = Check
created_at = 2011-10-18 16:42:09.600949
updated_at = 2011-10-18 16:42:09.600949
sqlite3> select * from line_items
        id = 10
product_id = 2
   cart_id = 
created_at = 2011-10-18 16:41:46.513209
updated_at = 2011-10-18 16:42:09.609139
  quantity = 1
     price = 36
  order_id = 1

hide the notice when adding items to the cart

edit app/views/line_items/create.js.rjs"#notice").each { |notice| notice.hide }
page.replace_html('cart', render(@cart))
page[:cart].visual_effect :blind_down if @cart.total_items == 1
page[:current_item].visual_effect :highlight,
                                  :startcolor => "#88ff88",
                                  :endcolor => "#114411"

12.2 Iteration G2: Atom Feeds 11.6 Iteration F6: Testing AJAX changes