Agile Web Development with Rails, Edition 4

11.2 Iteration F2: Creating an AJAX-Based Cart 10.4 Playtime

11.1 Iteration F1: Moving the Cart

Refactor the cart view into partials, and reference the result from the layout.

Create a "partial" view, for just one line item

edit app/views/line_items/_line_item.html.erb
  <td><%= line_item.quantity %>&times;</td>
  <td><%= line_item.product.title %></td>
  <td class="item_price"><%= number_to_currency(line_item.total_price) %></td>

Replace that portion of the view with a callout to the partial

edit app/views/carts/show.html.erb
<% if notice %>
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<% end %>
<h2>Your Cart</h2>
  <%= render(@cart.line_items) %>
  <tr class="total_line">
    <td colspan="2">Total</td>
    <td class="total_cell"><%= number_to_currency(@cart.total_price) %></td>
<%= button_to 'Empty cart', @cart, method: :delete,
    data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>

Make a copy as a partial for the cart controller

cp app/views/carts/show.html.erb app/views/carts/_cart.html.erb

Modify the copy to reference the (sub)partial and take input from @cart

edit app/views/carts/_cart.html.erb
<h2>Your Cart</h2>
  <%= render(cart.line_items) %>
  <tr class="total_line">
    <td colspan="2">Total</td>
    <td class="total_cell"><%= number_to_currency(cart.total_price) %></td>
<%= button_to 'Empty cart', cart, method: :delete,
    data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>

Keep things DRY

edit app/views/carts/show.html.erb
<% if notice %>
<p id="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<% end %>
<%= render @cart %>

Reference the partial from the layout.

edit app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Pragprog Books Online Store</title>
  <%= stylesheet_link_tag    "application", media: "all",
    "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true %>
  <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
<body class="<%= controller.controller_name %>">
  <div id="banner">
    <%= image_tag("logo.png") %>
    <%= @page_title || "Pragmatic Bookshelf" %>
  <div id="columns">
    <div id="side">
      <div id="cart">
        <%= render @cart %>
        <li><a href="http://www....">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="http://www..../faq">Questions</a></li>
        <li><a href="http://www..../news">News</a></li>
        <li><a href="http://www..../contact">Contact</a></li>
    <div id="main">
      <%= yield %>

Insert a call in the controller to find the cart

edit app/controllers/store_controller.rb
class StoreController < ApplicationController
  include CurrentCart
  before_action :set_cart
  def index
    @products = Product.order(:title)

Add a small bit of style.

edit app/assets/stylesheets/carts.css.scss
.carts, #side #cart {
  .item_price, .total_line {
    text-align: right;
  .total_line .total_cell {
    font-weight: bold;
    border-top: 1px solid #595;
edit app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss
  #side {
    float: left;
    padding: 1em 2em;
    width: 13em;
    background: #141;
    form, div {
      display: inline;
    input {
      font-size: small;
    #cart {
      font-size: smaller;
      color:     white;
      table {
        border-top:    1px dotted #595;
        border-bottom: 1px dotted #595;
        margin-bottom: 10px;
    ul {
      padding: 0;
      li {
        list-style: none;
        a {
          color: #bfb;
          font-size: small;

Change the redirect to be back to the store.

edit app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb
  def create
    product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
    @line_item = @cart.add_product(
    respond_to do |format|
        format.html { redirect_to store_url }
        format.json { render :show,
          status: :created, location: @line_item }
        format.html { render :new }
        format.json { render json: @line_item.errors,
          status: :unprocessable_entity }

Purchase another product.

get /

Your Cart

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Total $121.95

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CoffeeScript is JavaScript done right. It provides all of JavaScript's functionality wrapped in a cleaner, more succinct syntax. In the first book on this exciting new language, CoffeeScript guru Trevor Burnham shows you how to hold onto all the power and flexibility of JavaScript while writing clearer, cleaner, and safer code.


Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0

Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.


Rails Test Prescriptions

Rails Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to testing Rails applications, covering Test-Driven Development from both a theoretical perspective (why to test) and from a practical perspective (how to test effectively). It covers the core Rails testing tools and procedures for Rails 2 and Rails 3, and introduces popular add-ons, including Cucumber, Shoulda, Machinist, Mocha, and Rcov.

post /line_items?product_id=3
You are being redirected.
get http://localhost:3000/

Your Cart

CoffeeScript $72.00
Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0 $99.90
Total $171.90

Your Pragmatic Catalog



CoffeeScript is JavaScript done right. It provides all of JavaScript's functionality wrapped in a cleaner, more succinct syntax. In the first book on this exciting new language, CoffeeScript guru Trevor Burnham shows you how to hold onto all the power and flexibility of JavaScript while writing clearer, cleaner, and safer code.


Programming Ruby 1.9 & 2.0

Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic language out there. If you need to get working programs delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.


Rails Test Prescriptions

Rails Test Prescriptions is a comprehensive guide to testing Rails applications, covering Test-Driven Development from both a theoretical perspective (why to test) and from a practical perspective (how to test effectively). It covers the core Rails testing tools and procedures for Rails 2 and Rails 3, and introduces popular add-ons, including Cucumber, Shoulda, Machinist, Mocha, and Rcov.


11.2 Iteration F2: Creating an AJAX-Based Cart 10.4 Playtime