Agile Web Development with Rails, Edition 4

8.5 Iteration C5 - Caching 8.3 Iteration C3: Use a Helper to Format the Price

8.4 Iteration C4: Functional Testing

13 (tests|runs), 37 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors.
<0> expected to be

  /home/rubys/git/awdwr/edition4/checkdepot.rb:36:in `assert_test_summary'
  /home/rubys/git/awdwr/edition4/checkdepot.rb:128:in `block in <class:DepotTest>'

Demonstrate use of assert_select to test views.

Verify that the tests still pass.

rake test
DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use Module#prepend instead. From module, you can access the original method using super. (called from rescue in <class:Exception> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/web-console-2.1.2/lib/web_console/integration/cruby.rb:37)
DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use Module#prepend instead. From module, you can access the original method using super. (called from block in <top (required)> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/web-console-2.1.2/lib/web_console/extensions.rb:18)
DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use Module#prepend instead. From module, you can access the original method using super. (called from included at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/turbolinks/xhr_url_for.rb:7)
Run options: --seed 50814
# Running:
DEPRECATION WARNING: before_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use before_action instead. (called from block (3 levels) in <class:Engine> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/turbolinks.rb:14)
DEPRECATION WARNING: after_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use after_action instead. (called from block (3 levels) in <class:Engine> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/turbolinks.rb:15)
Finished in 0.329021s, 39.5112 runs/s, 97.2583 assertions/s.
  1) Error:
ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty: product
    app/controllers/products_controller.rb:79:in `product_params'
    app/controllers/products_controller.rb:27:in `create'
    test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:34:in `block (2 levels) in <class:ProductsControllerTest>'
    test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:32:in `block in <class:ProductsControllerTest>'
  2) Error:
ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"update", :controller=>"products", :description=>"Wibbles are fun!", :image_url=>"lorem.jpg", :price=>"19.95", :title=>"Lorem Ipsum"}
    test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:57:in `block in <class:ProductsControllerTest>'
13 runs, 32 assertions, 0 failures, 2 errors, 0 skips
Failed tests:
bin/rails test /home/rubys/git/awdwr/edition4/work-220/depot/test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:31
bin/rails test /home/rubys/git/awdwr/edition4/work-220/depot/test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:55

Add tests for layout, product display, and formatting, using counts, string comparisons, and regular expressions.

edit test/controllers/store_controller_test.rb
require 'test_helper'
class StoreControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  test "should get index" do
    get :index
    assert_response :success
    assert_select '#columns #side a', minimum: 4
    assert_select '#main .entry', 3
    assert_select 'h3', 'Programming Ruby 1.9'
    assert_select '.price', /\$[,\d]+\.\d\d/

Review fixure data

edit test/fixtures/products.yml
# Read about fixtures at
  title: MyString
  description: MyText
  image_url: MyString
  price: 9.99
  title: MyString
  description: MyText
  image_url: MyString
  price: 9.99
  title:       Programming Ruby 1.9
    Ruby is the fastest growing and most exciting dynamic
    language out there.  If you need to get working programs
    delivered fast, you should add Ruby to your toolbox.
  price:       49.50
  image_url:   ruby.png 

Show that the tests pass.

rake test:controllers
DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use Module#prepend instead. From module, you can access the original method using super. (called from rescue in <class:Exception> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/web-console-2.1.2/lib/web_console/integration/cruby.rb:37)
DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use Module#prepend instead. From module, you can access the original method using super. (called from block in <top (required)> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/web-console-2.1.2/lib/web_console/extensions.rb:18)
DEPRECATION WARNING: alias_method_chain is deprecated. Please, use Module#prepend instead. From module, you can access the original method using super. (called from included at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/turbolinks/xhr_url_for.rb:7)
Run options: --seed 9131
# Running:
DEPRECATION WARNING: before_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use before_action instead. (called from block (3 levels) in <class:Engine> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/turbolinks.rb:14)
DEPRECATION WARNING: after_filter is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1. Use after_action instead. (called from block (3 levels) in <class:Engine> at /home/rubys/.rvm/gems/ruby-head-n50123/gems/turbolinks-2.5.3/lib/turbolinks.rb:15)
Finished in 0.133733s, 59.8207 runs/s, 97.2087 assertions/s.
  1) Error:
ActionController::UrlGenerationError: No route matches {:action=>"update", :controller=>"products", :description=>"Wibbles are fun!", :image_url=>"lorem.jpg", :price=>"19.95", :title=>"Lorem Ipsum"}
    test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:57:in `block in <class:ProductsControllerTest>'
  2) Error:
ActionController::ParameterMissing: param is missing or the value is empty: product
    app/controllers/products_controller.rb:79:in `product_params'
    app/controllers/products_controller.rb:27:in `create'
    test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:34:in `block (2 levels) in <class:ProductsControllerTest>'
    test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:32:in `block in <class:ProductsControllerTest>'
8 runs, 13 assertions, 0 failures, 2 errors, 0 skips
Failed tests:
bin/rails test /home/rubys/git/awdwr/edition4/work-220/depot/test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:55
bin/rails test /home/rubys/git/awdwr/edition4/work-220/depot/test/controllers/products_controller_test.rb:31

8.5 Iteration C5 - Caching 8.3 Iteration C3: Use a Helper to Format the Price