Mark Pilgrim: HTML is not an output format. HTML is The Format.
HTML is also a pretty darn versatile Input Format. It also fits in containers. It also can serve as a container.
It also survives pretty well when abused as an output format.
I’ve had a very busy and productive week so far. Last night was an ad hoc and informal IETF/W3C liaison meeting. I’ve interleaved the minutes into the agenda.
Interest was expressed in having a similar meeting at The AJAX Experience in Boston in September.
Noah Mendelsohn: it looks like Oslo is in part being positioned as a competitor to XML.
I don’t believe that Microsoft is explicitly positioning Oslo as an XML competitor, though that may very well be a completely unintentional side effect.
Instead, M is a Turing complete programming language being positioned as a scripting language for Model Driven Development.
Dean Hachamovitch: I think it’s important to not just do SVG but have complete tests so SVG works the way developers want it to
On the lower right of this page is a “watermark”. If you are viewing this page using IE, you won’t see it. If you are viewing this web page using a recent, released version of Opera or Firefox, you will see it in its entirely. If you are viewing this post using WebKit (either through Chrome or Safari), it will be clipped oddly on two sides.
Philippe Le Hegaret: Several Web technologies in ONE document
Background: at the Intro to W3C meeting, each of the Domain Leaders made a presentation introducing their domain. This particular “slide” attracted a lot of interest, and a number of us goaded Philippe to split this one out and publish it.
Mark Pilgrim: Deep thought: every post on @samruby 's blog since June 2006 contains an image without a text alternative.
I liked it better when you were prescriptive, but if you like we can play 20 questions instead. This blog entry has an image with a text alternative. Who does it benefit?
After some testing with IE6, IE7, IE8, Chrome, Safari (Windows and Mac), Opera, and Firefox, I came to the following conclusion: much less accommodation is required to reasonably support IE8 than its predecessors. Based on this, I decided that I’d do my small part to encourage people who wish to remain with IE to upgrade to IE8.
Dean Hachamovitch: Internet Explorer is focused on how real people use the Web
I always suspected this was the case, but I guess that confirms it: I’m not a real person.
Jeff Barr: it was good to have several projects going simultaneously to make the best of your your time.
Jeff and my experiences are a lot alike. First, I was in the same geographic area at the same basic time (Greenbelt until summer of 78, Gaithersburg starting summer of 81: in between I completed both my senior year of high school and four years of college). I did punch cards, both FORTRAN and COBOL, face down, nine edge first, continuation in column 80. And I learned the same lesson about always wanting to have several projects going at all times, which brings me to the subject at hand...
As promised, Microsoft provided me with a credible offer.
Sean McGrath: low-carb regimes like Atkins are not as crazy as some would have us all believe.
I had great results with Atkins — in 2002. By 2005, I again looked like this.
Over the last 10 months, I’ve lost over 1.5 stone myself, on a much smaller frame.