root :to => index

bundle exec /home/rubys/git/rails/railties/bin/rails new depot --skip-bundle --dev
      create  README
      create  Rakefile
      create  .gitignore
      create  Gemfile
      create  app
      create  app/assets/images/rails.png
      create  app/assets/javascripts/application.js
      create  app/assets/stylesheets/application.css
      create  app/controllers/application_controller.rb
      create  app/helpers/application_helper.rb
      create  app/mailers
      create  app/models
      create  app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
      create  app/mailers/.gitkeep
      create  app/models/.gitkeep
      create  config
      create  config/routes.rb
      create  config/application.rb
      create  config/environment.rb
      create  config/environments
      create  config/environments/development.rb
      create  config/environments/production.rb
      create  config/environments/test.rb
      create  config/initializers
      create  config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
      create  config/initializers/inflections.rb
      create  config/initializers/mime_types.rb
      create  config/initializers/secret_token.rb
      create  config/initializers/session_store.rb
      create  config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
      create  config/locales
      create  config/locales/en.yml
      create  config/boot.rb
      create  config/database.yml
      create  db
      create  db/seeds.rb
      create  doc
      create  doc/README_FOR_APP
      create  lib
      create  lib/tasks
      create  lib/tasks/.gitkeep
      create  lib/assets
      create  lib/assets/.gitkeep
      create  log
      create  log/.gitkeep
      create  public
      create  public/404.html
      create  public/422.html
      create  public/500.html
      create  public/favicon.ico
      create  public/index.html
      create  public/robots.txt
      create  script
      create  script/rails
      create  test/fixtures
      create  test/fixtures/.gitkeep
      create  test/functional
      create  test/functional/.gitkeep
      create  test/integration
      create  test/integration/.gitkeep
      create  test/unit
      create  test/unit/.gitkeep
      create  test/performance/browsing_test.rb
      create  test/test_helper.rb
      create  tmp/cache
      create  tmp/cache/assets
      create  vendor/assets/javascripts
      create  vendor/assets/javascripts/.gitkeep
      create  vendor/assets/stylesheets
      create  vendor/assets/stylesheets/.gitkeep
      create  vendor/plugins
      create  vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
bundle install
Using rake (0.9.2) 
Using i18n (0.6.0) 
Using multi_json (1.0.3) 
Using activesupport (3.2.0.beta) 
Using builder (3.0.0) 
Using activemodel (3.2.0.beta) 
Using erubis (2.7.0) 
Using journey ( 
Using rack (1.3.5) 
Using rack-cache (1.1) 
Using rack-test (0.6.1) 
Using hike (1.2.1) 
Using tilt (1.3.3) 
Using sprockets (2.0.3) 
Using actionpack (3.2.0.beta) 
Using mime-types (1.16) 
Using polyglot (0.3.2) 
Using treetop (1.4.10) 
Using mail (2.3.0) 
Using actionmailer (3.2.0.beta) 
Using active_utils (1.0.1) 
Using braintree (2.12.0) 
Using json (1.6.1) 
Using money (3.7.1) 
Using activemerchant (1.18.1) 
Using arel (2.2.1) 
Using tzinfo (0.3.30) 
Using activerecord (3.2.0.beta) 
Using activeresource (3.2.0.beta) 
Using ansi (1.3.0) 
Using bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1) 
Using bundler (1.0.21) 
Using highline (1.6.2) 
Using net-ssh (2.2.1) 
Using net-scp (1.0.4) 
Using net-sftp (2.0.5) 
Using net-ssh-gateway (1.1.0) 
Using capistrano (2.9.0) 
Using coffee-script-source (1.1.2) 
Using execjs (1.2.9) 
Using coffee-script (2.2.0) 
Using rack-ssl (1.3.2) 
Using rdoc (3.11) 
Using thor (0.14.6) 
Using railties (3.2.0.beta) 
Using coffee-rails (3.2.0.beta) 
Using haml (3.1.3) 
Using htmlentities (4.3.0) 
Using jquery-rails (1.0.16) 
Using mysql2 (0.3.7) 
Using rails (3.2.0.beta) 
Using sass (3.1.10) 
Using sass-rails (3.1.1.alpha.0) 
Using sqlite3 (1.3.4) 
Using test-unit (2.4.0) 
Using turn (0.8.2) 
Using uglifier (1.0.4) 
Using will_paginate (3.0.2) 
Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Start the server.

rails generate scaffold Product title:string
      invoke  active_record
      create    db/migrate/20111022154601_create_products.rb
      create    app/models/product.rb
      invoke    test_unit
      create      test/unit/product_test.rb
      create      test/fixtures/products.yml
       route  resources :products
      invoke  scaffold_controller
      create    app/controllers/products_controller.rb
      invoke    erb
      create      app/views/products
      create      app/views/products/index.html.erb
      create      app/views/products/edit.html.erb
      create      app/views/products/show.html.erb
      create      app/views/products/new.html.erb
      create      app/views/products/_form.html.erb
      invoke    test_unit
      create      test/functional/products_controller_test.rb
      invoke    helper
      create      app/helpers/products_helper.rb
      invoke      test_unit
      create        test/unit/helpers/products_helper_test.rb
      invoke  assets
      invoke    coffee
      create      app/assets/javascripts/
      invoke    scss
      create      app/assets/stylesheets/products.css.scss
      invoke  scss
      create    app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss
rake db:migrate
mv 20111022154601_create_products.rb 20110711000001_create_products.rb
==  CreateProducts: migrating =================================================
-- create_table(:products)
   -> 0.0016s
==  CreateProducts: migrated (0.0018s) ========================================
get /products

Listing products


New Product
rails generate controller Store index
      create  app/controllers/store_controller.rb
       route  get "store/index"
      invoke  erb
      create    app/views/store
      create    app/views/store/index.html.erb
      invoke  test_unit
      create    test/functional/store_controller_test.rb
      invoke  helper
      create    app/helpers/store_helper.rb
      invoke    test_unit
      create      test/unit/helpers/store_helper_test.rb
      invoke  assets
      invoke    coffee
      create      app/assets/javascripts/
      invoke    scss
      create      app/assets/stylesheets/store.css.scss
edit config/routes.rb
Depot::Application.routes.draw do
  get "store/index"
  resources :products
  # The priority is based upon order of creation:
  # first created -> highest priority.
  # Sample of regular route:
  #   match 'products/:id' => 'catalog#view'
  # Keep in mind you can assign values other than :controller and :action
  # Sample of named route:
  #   match 'products/:id/purchase' => 'catalog#purchase', :as => :purchase
  # This route can be invoked with purchase_url(:id =>
  # Sample resource route (maps HTTP verbs to controller actions automatically):
  #   resources :products
  # Sample resource route with options:
  #   resources :products do
  #     member do
  #       get 'short'
  #       post 'toggle'
  #     end
  #     collection do
  #       get 'sold'
  #     end
  #   end
  # Sample resource route with sub-resources:
  #   resources :products do
  #     resources :comments, :sales
  #     resource :seller
  #   end
  # Sample resource route with more complex sub-resources
  #   resources :products do
  #     resources :comments
  #     resources :sales do
  #       get 'recent', :on => :collection
  #     end
  #   end
  # Sample resource route within a namespace:
  #   namespace :admin do
  #     # Directs /admin/products/* to Admin::ProductsController
  #     # (app/controllers/admin/products_controller.rb)
  #     resources :products
  #   end
  # You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
  # just remember to delete public/index.html.
  root :to => 'store#index'
  # See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes"
  # This is a legacy wild controller route that's not recommended for RESTful applications.
  # Note: This route will make all actions in every controller accessible via GET requests.
  # match ':controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'
rm public/index.html
get /

Routing Error

No route matches [GET] "/"

ArgumentError: assertion message must be String or Proc: <<"Store#index"> expected but was
<"Routing Error">.>(<Test::Unit::Assertions::AssertionMessage>)

  rootToIndex.rb:30:in `block (2 levels) in <class:RootToIndexTest>'
  /home/rubys/git/gorp/lib/gorp/test.rb:149:in `call'
  /home/rubys/git/gorp/lib/gorp/test.rb:149:in `block (2 levels) in <class:TestCase>'
  rootToIndex.rb:29:in `block in <class:RootToIndexTest>'


Sat, 22 Oct 2011 15:46:13 GMT
echo $PATH
node -v
/home/rubys/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p290/bin/ruby -v
ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-linux]
gem -v
bundle show
Gems included by the bundle:
  * actionmailer (3.2.0.beta)
  * actionpack (3.2.0.beta)
  * active_utils (1.0.1)
  * activemerchant (1.18.1)
  * activemodel (3.2.0.beta)
  * activerecord (3.2.0.beta)
  * activeresource (3.2.0.beta)
  * activesupport (3.2.0.beta)
  * ansi (1.3.0)
  * arel (2.2.1)
  * bcrypt-ruby (3.0.1)
  * braintree (2.12.0)
  * builder (3.0.0)
  * bundler (1.0.21)
  * capistrano (2.9.0)
  * coffee-rails (3.2.0.beta 2120408)
  * coffee-script (2.2.0)
  * coffee-script-source (1.1.2)
  * erubis (2.7.0)
  * execjs (1.2.9)
  * haml (3.1.3)
  * highline (1.6.2)
  * hike (1.2.1)
  * htmlentities (4.3.0)
  * i18n (0.6.0)
  * journey ( 6c92401)
  * jquery-rails (1.0.16)
  * json (1.6.1)
  * mail (2.3.0)
  * mime-types (1.16)
  * money (3.7.1)
  * multi_json (1.0.3)
  * mysql2 (0.3.7)
  * net-scp (1.0.4)
  * net-sftp (2.0.5)
  * net-ssh (2.2.1)
  * net-ssh-gateway (1.1.0)
  * polyglot (0.3.2)
  * rack (1.3.5)
  * rack-cache (1.1)
  * rack-ssl (1.3.2)
  * rack-test (0.6.1)
  * rails (3.2.0.beta de17426)
  * railties (3.2.0.beta)
  * rake (0.9.2)
  * rdoc (3.11)
  * sass (3.1.10)
  * sass-rails (3.1.1.alpha.0 5ad0fd3)
  * sprockets (2.0.3)
  * sqlite3 (1.3.4)
  * test-unit (2.4.0)
  * thor (0.14.6)
  * tilt (1.3.3)
  * treetop (1.4.10)
  * turn (0.8.2)
  * tzinfo (0.3.30)
  * uglifier (1.0.4)
  * will_paginate (3.0.2)
rake about
About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.9.2 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version          1.8.10
Rack version              1.3
Rails version             3.2.0.beta
JavaScript Runtime        Node.js (V8)
Active Record version     3.2.0.beta
Action Pack version       3.2.0.beta
Active Resource version   3.2.0.beta
Action Mailer version     3.2.0.beta
Active Support version    3.2.0.beta
Middleware                ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::Lock, #<ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware:0x00000004600b18>, Rack::Runtime, Rack::MethodOverride, ActionDispatch::RequestId, Rails::Rack::Logger, ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, ActionDispatch::Reloader, ActionDispatch::Callbacks, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement, ActiveRecord::QueryCache, ActionDispatch::Cookies, ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, ActionDispatch::Flash, ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ActionDispatch::Head, Rack::ConditionalGet, Rack::ETag, ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport
Application root          /var/www/rtest/work-192-32/depot
Environment               development
Database adapter          sqlite3
Database schema version   20110711000001
git log -1
commit de17426980e76d1b0e191f5018d260a65abd3235
Merge: 3c31299 50dfd58
Author: José Valim <>
Date:   Sat Oct 22 04:06:52 2011 -0700

    Merge pull request #3404 from arunagw/warning_removed_request_id
    Warnings removed from RequestIdTest