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To me, the most memorable presentation was by David Weinberger. He has declined to post his presentation (it truly was one that you had to be there), but let me retell a small portion of his presentation.
Recently, he was looking to buy a Kenmore appliance. One school of thought would be to go to the kenmore website for authoritative knowledge. It is carefully organized, and contains all sorts of factual information.
Alternately, you could go to one of those unstructured spaces, where you can find people like Jim (who David doesn't know from Adam) retelling his success on washing queen size bed sheets, and annoyance at the volume level on the buzzer. Or Rinso detailing the physics of lint with respect to front loaders vs. top loaders.
Clearly, both mechanisms provide knowledge. It is just that one provides it in the form of nutritious complete MRE's (my analogy not David's).