Layering information effectively
Ziv Caspi: Imagine this: you're on the train, happilly reading all the RSS feeds you've collected in your aggregator, when you read something interesting on Sam Ruby's weblog. Sam, however, just switched to short-form feeds, so you're out of luck; you have to wait until you get home to get it all.
This should be fixed now.
A number of things have been going on. First, I have been authoring some longer entries lately. Second, I have been thinking quite a bit lately about best practices, what makes a good (for consumers) weblog entry, and this lead me to revisit a number of Jon Udell's pieces, in particular Word 11, XML, and the universal canvas and Internet Groupware for Scientific Collaboration. Finally, I have been traveling, so my development had been done in short bursts. Sorry about that.
To make a long story short, in my various index RSS feeds, title now maps to head, description maps to lead, and encoded/body is the full content.
I'm still thinking about decks (a.k.a. subtitles).