
It’s just data

Migratory Ape

Without much (or as far as I can tell, any) fanfare, Tim’s APE has moved from to rubyforge.  And moved from cvs to svn.  But rest assured, other than the location and the repository type (and code layout, dependencies, and functionality) nothing much has changed.  Really.  Just don’t try to look at Dave Johnson or my notes as they will just confuse you.

If you do manage to check the file out, you see a Rakefile.  This would imply that one might want to use rake.  Trying it results in a message

You are missing a dependency required for meta-operations on this gem.
No such file to load -- echoe

Then after a sudo gem install echoe, you get the following:

undefined method `exclude' for nil:NilClass

Then giving up on the Rakefile, one can do the following:

sudo gem install erubis mongrel

export URI=https://rubix.home/wordpress/wp-app.php/service
export USERNAME=rubys
export PASSWORD=password

export RUBYLIB=lib/ape
ruby scripts/go.rb "uri=$URI&username=$USERNAME&password=$PASSWORD") > report.html

Of course, you might want to adjust the URI, USERNAME, and PASSWORD to taste.

The end result looks something like this, presuming that you first copy lib/ape/layout/* to ../ape, which of course should be intuitively obvious.

Hmmm.  It looks like I’m now getting 10 warnings where I used to get 4.  Apparently Ape now complains when it sees an extra blank line, and somewhere along the way WordPress stopped sanitizing.  It shouldn’t be too hard to track down which changeset caused the latter problem.

And some people wonder why some open source projects have a hard time attracting developers.